The Vinlandic Pagan War unit known as Grom was formed by Ymir G. Winter, A.K. Belarus and Heilige Krieger in early 1999. United by pagan sprituality, Aryan ethics, anti-semitism and a passion for Metal, the three hit the studios to create an unique black-trash sonic-attack. The quick addittion of J-Sick on vocals completed the deadly arsenal. With Ymir G. Winter as the main song-writer, Grom's music embodies the Aryan life ethic... there is no nihilism to be found in their music; only Pagan glory; pride in blood & soul; Aryan Spirit and war against world jewry!
These are the philosophies that Grom embraces... Musically, the Grom assault is a combination of modern Black Metal and the ancient art of 80's metal. In 2001, A.K. Belarus departed and was replaced by Macellarius (ME-109). Grom is Pagan War Music, born from the wasteland of NYC, they are an axe to the head of the riddled flock!
You may ask yourself what is Pagan War Music; Allow us to explain......... When Alexander the Great's massive infantry descended upon Asia to commit genocide and spread Hellenic Paganism, the troops would be accompanied by an orchestra that would pound kettle drums and play lyres and flutes to honour their Gods and invoke courage...that was Pagan War Music. When the ravenous Slavs massacred the mighty christian crusaders who dared to venture into the Slavonic woods in one bloody battle, the barbaric Slavs were serenaded by furious winds, and thunder and by the rustling trees.......that was Pagan War Music. Now, in these "modern" times, we...the Pagan troupe known as GROM...strive to compose anthems that will serve as a soundtrack for the destruction of the riddled flock; we are the trumpets for a new war and we herald the return of true Pagan times. We must return to the times when the tribes of Europa were free to run with the wolves and stags in the forests and were free to honour their many Gods and Goddesses. We are here to perpetuate a Pagan movement, and we must awaken our brothers and sisters from their judeo-christian haze.