Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Das der gute Gigi der Metal Musik nicht abgeneigt ist, duerfte ja fast ueberall bekannt sein. Was er nun hier aber fabriziert hat, sprengt jede Vorahnung! Ein wahres Thrash / Death Metal Gewitter faellt auf uns hernieder, das man es schwer beschreiben kann. In unserer Szene ist mir keine vergleichbare CD bekannt. Dazu kommt seine unnachahmliche Roehre, die jeden mueden Knochen zum zittern bringt. Textlich befasst sich dieses Konzeptalbum mit dem Thema der so genannten, angeblichen Verschwoerungstheorien, speziell mit der Freimaurerei, ihren blutigen Morden und Riten, sowie mit allem was dazu gehoert und schon viel frueher haette angesprochen werden muessen. 10 Lieder sind es insgesamt geworden und ich denke jedem Stahlgewitter Fan wird auch dieses Teil zusagen, auch wenn der Sound voellig anders ist. Harte Zeiten erfordern eben harte Musik! Dazu kommt ein 24seitiges Beiheft, das diese Top Produktion komplett abrundet. Das kann sich wahrlich sehen lassen. Geiles Teil und fuer jeden Stahlgewitter Fan und Metaller ein absolutes Muss! Teutonic Thrash Metal!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rehearsal & live tracks..
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Where the whirlwinds from bottomless depths were plaited with a solar wind of mighty heavens, where the boundless wastlands of Russland by breath of the woods give life to the Heroes, where Hammer beats out Roars of Aryan Thunder from clouds. There from uncertainty, that covers ancient woods by darkness, NS Black Metal division "M8L8TH" enters in the last fight on the Earth, fight for a place under the Sun, war, whose image will stiffen in eternity.
Nach sechs Jahren Bandgeschichte haben sie sich die Messlatte fuer kommende Veroeffentlichungen sehr hoch gelegt. 12 Lieder, ein Video und ein Booklet mit allen Texten lassen keine Wuensche offen. Der Stil ist Metalcore mit Abschweifungen in rockigere Gefilde. Produktionstechnisch wurde nichts gespart und die Qualitaet der Aufnahme setzt Massstaebe.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
All Hate Propaganda composed during the years 1997 and 2002. Recorded in a place far from democracy and multicultural chaos... Tracks 8-9 recorded in 2005. Percussion aranged by Athalwolf, except in tracks 8-9 by Arkhon. Landscape Art by Adolf Hitler.
This is dedicated to the only True and Illegal Underground, namely the Pagan Front!
This is dedicated to the only True and Illegal Underground, namely the Pagan Front!
Monumental, epic Black Metal, with Wagnerian arragements, titanic tracks of Apollonian grandeur - all clocking in around the 10-minute mark -, clear production, proficient musicianship, and Ariosophical inspiration. A magisterial work of solar elitism. Although Epic in nature, the keyboards are evenly balanced with Weakling-esque guitar solos and double bass. Originally, this record was to appear on Henrick Moebus's record label, but as he was deported back to Germany it now appears after a two year delay on West Virginia's UnHoly Records. This will surely appeal to fans of Hellveto, Graveland, Agalloch etc.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Totalitarian Black Metal from Belarus (Grodno).
CD includes legendary recordings of "Aryjski Sturm" (1997) and "Ultra" (1999). First edition was released in 2003 by AUTISTIARTILI Records and limited to 500 copies. And it was sold years ago. Present edition is re-mastered and some of layout was changed.
CD includes legendary recordings of "Aryjski Sturm" (1997) and "Ultra" (1999). First edition was released in 2003 by AUTISTIARTILI Records and limited to 500 copies. And it was sold years ago. Present edition is re-mastered and some of layout was changed.
Black Metal project of Horna and Sombre Chemin.
Lyrics excerpt:
"If we don't change the course
Our culture will be dying
Preservation of our nations
Hear our heroes crying
With the blood of our Folk
From the soil and memories
Mother Europe, bless your sons
We will guard our families"
Hier 10 neue Titel der belliebten Schwarzmetaller. Insgesamt werden 10 Titel geboten, die alle ganz gut reinknallen, wobei die beiden Balladen ein wenig aus dem Raster gefallen. 60 Minuten Spielzeit, teilweise Doppelgesang und ausschliesslich durchdachte, nationale Texte erwarten den geneigten Käufer. Schöne Produktion und nicht nur für Freunde des 0BM interessant.
Hier ist unsere lang angekündigte, neue Produktion. Diesmal handelt es sich um das Debüt- Album der thüringischen Band "Celtic Dawn", welche dem Hörer bodenständigen RAC, aber auch wenige ruhige Lieder präsentiert. Die herausragend gute Stimme des Sängers übermittelt Texte die sich um Deutschland, seine Geschichte und die Missstände im eigenen Land drehen. Auch musikalisch sind die Jungs gut und ein sehr schön gestaltetes, 12- seitiges Booklet lässt auch keine Wünsche offen. 12 Lieder, die sich mit Sicherheit lohnen und unter denen sich der ein oder andere Ohrwurm befindet. Daumen hoch!!!
Nachdem die Herren aus Mitteldeutschland nun jahrelang jedes Wochenende die Bühnen dieser Gegend unsicher gemacht haben ist hier nun der erste Silberling dieser Band! Die 5 Jungs haben mittlerweile Ihren ganz eigenen Stil entwickelt, der sich irgendwo zwischen Metal, Black Metal und HC ansiedelt. Die Texte sind durchweg politisch und in englisch und deutsch. 8 Lieder plus Intro und Outro sind es letztlich geworden, was eine Spielzeit von knapp 40. Minuten ausmacht.Außerdem gibt es ein 8seitiges Beiheft dazu. Für jeden Fan der härteren Gangart und Leute die sich live über RPs können überzeugt haben, wird diese CD ein Schmankerl sein...! Gute CD!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Romanian ORDINUL NEGRU is a talented one-man project made by Fulmineos in 2004 into old black metal spheres, influenced by various underground bands from the nineties such as Burzum, Infernum, Countess, Moonblood, Nortt, Vlad Tepes, Arckanum, Shining or Woods of Infinity.
This mini-CD "Undying Attitude" was released at Smell the Stench in the beginning of 2007 and the second full lenght "The Black Order" is released this autumn as a digi-pack at Lupii Daciei ,so stay close to this true act.
This mini-CD "Undying Attitude" was released at Smell the Stench in the beginning of 2007 and the second full lenght "The Black Order" is released this autumn as a digi-pack at Lupii Daciei ,so stay close to this true act.
A flowing stream of dark aesthethics and dense ideology bursting into an epos of anthemic ryhtms, melancholic soundscapes and esoteric symbolism. The sound is obscure and harsh, yet filled with hypnotic rhythms, cast with little attention to detail inside a rugged lead frame of dissonance and cold monochromatic melody. Remembering the glorious days of Black Metal, the album sets itself as a speaker of a forgotten, forbidden, ardent heritage.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
After some delays from ZOG, STRONG SURVIVE has now released "Quickening Sun". In very progressive form EINGAR has taken many different forms in this great full length CD...
... with Folk, Atmospheric, Black and Thrash styles in this release. It is sure to capture attention from all levels of listeners. A true Matsterpiece of Vinlandic Pagan Madness.
... with Folk, Atmospheric, Black and Thrash styles in this release. It is sure to capture attention from all levels of listeners. A true Matsterpiece of Vinlandic Pagan Madness.
So wie Max Schmeling's eiskalter rechte Aufwaertshaken aus dem Nichts seine Gegner auf die Matte schickte, so versetzte auch die Nachricht der Veroeffentlichung dieser EP die Anhaenger des musikalischen rechten Kinnhakens, aus dem Nichts in verschmitzte Eksatse. Warum? Weil DHF Records den Boxring "Today your Love - Tomorrow the World" nicht mit vier ausgelutschten Evergreens fuer diese EP-Runde bestueckte, sondern mit vier brandneuen, unverbrauchten Killern aus den Staaten, deren Existenz bis dato noch nicht einmal Kennern der Szenerie bekannt waren.
So stehen sich auf Seite A Platoon 14 mit "Beat on the brat" und Intimidation One mit dem Ramones Cover "Blitzkrieg Bop" gegenueber, waehrend sich auf Seite B Max Resist's "Chinese Rock" und DC Stormtroopers "Teenage Lobotomy" duellieren. Die Kaempfe gehen nach kurzem und hartem Ringen jeweils unentschieden aus. Hochklassig sind sie allemal. Wer also seinen Enkeln und Ur-Enkeln eines Tages von diesem kleinen Highlight aus dem Jahre 2006 berichten will, der sollte sich schleunigst nach den postmodernen 255 weissen Platten im "Today"-Cover umschauen oder nach den 255 weissen Vinyls im "Tomorrow" Cover.
So stehen sich auf Seite A Platoon 14 mit "Beat on the brat" und Intimidation One mit dem Ramones Cover "Blitzkrieg Bop" gegenueber, waehrend sich auf Seite B Max Resist's "Chinese Rock" und DC Stormtroopers "Teenage Lobotomy" duellieren. Die Kaempfe gehen nach kurzem und hartem Ringen jeweils unentschieden aus. Hochklassig sind sie allemal. Wer also seinen Enkeln und Ur-Enkeln eines Tages von diesem kleinen Highlight aus dem Jahre 2006 berichten will, der sollte sich schleunigst nach den postmodernen 255 weissen Platten im "Today"-Cover umschauen oder nach den 255 weissen Vinyls im "Tomorrow" Cover.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Split of these two NSBM hordes. Here is the part that presents Grom...
The Vinlandic Pagan War unit known as Grom was formed by Ymir G. Winter, A.K. Belarus and Heilige Krieger in early 1999. United by pagan sprituality, Aryan ethics, anti-semitism and a passion for Metal, the three hit the studios to create an unique black-trash sonic-attack. The quick addittion of J-Sick on vocals completed the deadly arsenal. With Ymir G. Winter as the main song-writer, Grom's music embodies the Aryan life ethic... there is no nihilism to be found in their music; only Pagan glory; pride in blood & soul; Aryan Spirit and war against world jewry!
These are the philosophies that Grom embraces... Musically, the Grom assault is a combination of modern Black Metal and the ancient art of 80's metal. In 2001, A.K. Belarus departed and was replaced by Macellarius (ME-109). Grom is Pagan War Music, born from the wasteland of NYC, they are an axe to the head of the riddled flock!
You may ask yourself what is Pagan War Music; Allow us to explain......... When Alexander the Great's massive infantry descended upon Asia to commit genocide and spread Hellenic Paganism, the troops would be accompanied by an orchestra that would pound kettle drums and play lyres and flutes to honour their Gods and invoke courage...that was Pagan War Music. When the ravenous Slavs massacred the mighty christian crusaders who dared to venture into the Slavonic woods in one bloody battle, the barbaric Slavs were serenaded by furious winds, and thunder and by the rustling trees.......that was Pagan War Music. Now, in these "modern" times, we...the Pagan troupe known as GROM...strive to compose anthems that will serve as a soundtrack for the destruction of the riddled flock; we are the trumpets for a new war and we herald the return of true Pagan times. We must return to the times when the tribes of Europa were free to run with the wolves and stags in the forests and were free to honour their many Gods and Goddesses. We are here to perpetuate a Pagan movement, and we must awaken our brothers and sisters from their judeo-christian haze.
The Vinlandic Pagan War unit known as Grom was formed by Ymir G. Winter, A.K. Belarus and Heilige Krieger in early 1999. United by pagan sprituality, Aryan ethics, anti-semitism and a passion for Metal, the three hit the studios to create an unique black-trash sonic-attack. The quick addittion of J-Sick on vocals completed the deadly arsenal. With Ymir G. Winter as the main song-writer, Grom's music embodies the Aryan life ethic... there is no nihilism to be found in their music; only Pagan glory; pride in blood & soul; Aryan Spirit and war against world jewry!
These are the philosophies that Grom embraces... Musically, the Grom assault is a combination of modern Black Metal and the ancient art of 80's metal. In 2001, A.K. Belarus departed and was replaced by Macellarius (ME-109). Grom is Pagan War Music, born from the wasteland of NYC, they are an axe to the head of the riddled flock!
You may ask yourself what is Pagan War Music; Allow us to explain......... When Alexander the Great's massive infantry descended upon Asia to commit genocide and spread Hellenic Paganism, the troops would be accompanied by an orchestra that would pound kettle drums and play lyres and flutes to honour their Gods and invoke courage...that was Pagan War Music. When the ravenous Slavs massacred the mighty christian crusaders who dared to venture into the Slavonic woods in one bloody battle, the barbaric Slavs were serenaded by furious winds, and thunder and by the rustling trees.......that was Pagan War Music. Now, in these "modern" times, we...the Pagan troupe known as GROM...strive to compose anthems that will serve as a soundtrack for the destruction of the riddled flock; we are the trumpets for a new war and we herald the return of true Pagan times. We must return to the times when the tribes of Europa were free to run with the wolves and stags in the forests and were free to honour their many Gods and Goddesses. We are here to perpetuate a Pagan movement, and we must awaken our brothers and sisters from their judeo-christian haze.
Satanic Warmaster returns to battle with an mini-album containing three tracks to spark up the revolution of the sunwheel towards the rising sun of the New Black Order. Wolves have returned from the forest with an aggressiveness reminding of the first SW albums and thematically the MCD follows the occult and warlike themes established in the previous album. Hate against traitors and posers, victory and pagan revelation to the braves! This baneful recording has been crafted for a change in a professional studio in collaboration with the powers of other famed and feared black metal tyrants. Prepare for battle.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fucking good Blackened Thrash/Death metal !!!
What jews said about them?
"Also on the Australian scene is Melbourne band Destroyer 666, which recently released their CD "Unleash the Wolves" through Modern Invasion Music (based in Frankston). Though their lyrics are carefully coded to avoid any obvious racial attacks, their inner sleeve thank-yous go to the members of Fortress, Squadron and Ken McLellan from Brutal Attack (the British skinhead group, formerly known as Dead Paki In The Gutter, toured Australia in 1996). Members from all of these groups recorded a mini CD together in Australia over two days last year entitled "Garrison", also released through Nordland - an incestuous scene, it is."
From the depths of Arizona's fiery pits emerged Pantheon an elitist NS black metal band who believe in the way of the ancient Aryan spirit of their heathen ancestors and in the honorable art of warfare... From their inception they felt this is what the task at hand was as their part of The Great Work and to fulfill the ethos of the warrior's indomitable spirit as they crush all that allays their path of might. For their consciousness is one aligned with the starkest forces of Wotan. Will of the Aryan Nation. And forever shall they be the purveyors of the Weltanschauung as this is their path via musik and via propaganda their ideology is expressed also as the fiercest weapon against the current enemy of our aryan culture the ZOG...
Features unreleased SATANIC WARMASTER material from years 2000 and 2001, including the original "Black Metal Kommando" album, which was originally supposed to be the first album on Northern Heritage, and the disgusting "Gas Chamber" demo, reeking total death and radical hatred.
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